For frogs, that is. The frogs have been going scree-scree-scree in the ditch all day.
I spent the day finishing the front-yard-cleaning project.
Junky wood went into the burn pile:

And good wood was hauled off to be split for firewood:

This is an amazing piece of bark from the old oak stump. It's about 2 inches thick and covered in poison ivy vines. You can tell poison ivy even in the winter by the "legs" that hold the vines onto the bark or barn board or whatever the ivy happens to be clinging to:

This is the hole in my glove through which I sincerely hope I have not been infected with poison ivy. If I get poison ivy before spring even officially starts I will be peeved.

This is the view from the ditch in the front yard. Flat.

And this, apparently, is the secret sleeping spot of Bakshi the Cat. He crept up while I was near the ditch in the front yard trying to take pictures of frogs (I failed) and curled up in a hole in the grasses like he had slept there a hundred times.
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