Thursday, May 13, 2010

Flood 2010

Shabbona Lake State Park opened their floodgates this morning, which means we are now nearly underwater.

Here's the fighting field:


Castle pieces floating by:

Ryan and Ryno:

Water bubbling UP from underground (that's not good):

The Marner:

The castle:
Chuck's field:

Murdoch's Meadow:

The bunker:

The Big Indian Creek:

The McInerney's field:

The pond:

More rain is expected this afternoon. We HAVE shut off power to the campground. :)


  1. Was it flooding that caused you all the problems at Christmas, when the power was out? Or was that an ice storm? Do you have a generator on stand-by this time?

  2. We can shut off the power to just the campground while leaving power on in the house and/or the store and barns. At Christmas there was an ice storm and we lost power for the whole site so the sump pump in the house wasn't working and the basement flooded.
